Friday, December 10, 2021

Australian Geographic Forensic Science Lab; Find The 'Poison'

 Show: Find The 'Poison'

Hi everyone! Today we are going to have fun with poison!

It all starts with some sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is a harmless chemical found in baking soda and is what makes cakes rise. When sodium bicarbonate mixes with some water, it doesn't do anything. Only the effect with universal indicator paper is different.

Now another thing we need is some citric acid. Again citric acid  is another harmless chemical found in citrus fruit. 

Both of these aren't real poison, but if we mixed real poison, that would be too dangerous for kids.

When Sodium Bicarbonate is mixed with indicator paper, it turns into a greeny/ bluish colour. This means it is alkaline, which is from colour no. 8-14.

But when Citric acid is mixed with indicator paper, it turns into a reddish/ yellowish/ greenish colour. This means it it acidic, which is from colour no. 1-6.

However, when water touches indicator paper, it turns into a lightish green colour. This indicates Neutral, which is about no. 7.

This experiment is very interesting because you can discover some new ways to know which poison is which. I learnt from the experiment that the pH scale and indicator paper that you can measure how strong acidic or alkaline it is.

This is the video to my experiment:

How to make the Poison experiment:

You will need:
-3 sample tubes
-Universal indicator paper
-Citric acid
-Sodium bicarbonate
-Gloves/ Tweezers

Cut the indicator paper while holding on with gloves/ tweezers. Do not use hands, microbes on human skin can effect the paper.


1. Add half a tablespoon of citric acid to one sample tube, half a tablespoon of sodium bicarb to another.
2. Leave the third tube empty.
3. Three quarters fill all the tubes with water.
4. Shake all the tubes with the lids on, until all the crystals have disappeared.
5. Get 3 pieces of indicator paper out, and dip each in the tube, and pull out immediately. Wait 10 seconds to let the colour to develop.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Review of: Dairy of a wimpy kid, #16 Big shot

Title: Dairy of a wimpy kid, Book #16 Big shot

Main Charcter: Greg Heffley

Author: Jeff Kinney

Greg Heffley Hasn't liked sports very much in his life, or does he?

His mom, Susan Heffley, has never gave up to make him play sports. She says it's healthy for kids to play outside. But Greg has a different thinking of what his mom says.

Tomorrow is field day at his school, and he's actually taking it seriously because the home prize is a day off school. His brother Rodrick Heffley said last year's field day prize was free Ice-cream, but they raised the stakes this year. So that's why he's lately been going to the gym with his dad, Frank Heffley.

His mom keeps persuading him to do a sport, but all the time Greg has to think is the only skill he has ever done was shooting a napkin into a moving glass from a distance of 7.62m (25ft). So he thought he had some skill in basketball. 

That got her really excited, Because she said when she played basketball at his age, she said he team was really good. Maybe the basketball skill runs in the family.

Greg was glad his mom was excited, but there was another reason Greg picked basketball. There are only 2 teams, with 10 players in one. If you don't make a team, you get cut.

So when he is at tryouts that night, he is surprised to see that he made it. 

When everything is on the line and the ball is in Greg's hands, will he rise to the occasion? Or will he blow his big shot?

I like this book because the book idea is cool. I especially like the part when Greg throws a backward shot in a game, and everyone watches it go through the hoop at the end.

When he was finished, he and his teammates were very happy and celebrating. That taught me a very valuable lesson; If you just look at something and don't actually do it, you won't know if you like it or not. You have to try it to know how it is like, and if you like it at all. That's what happened in the book. He celebrated in the book because he finally tried, and when he did it, he realised he actually liked it. This book is very good, so I give it a big 5/5!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Australian Geographic Magic Science Show; Hologram Video

Show: Magic Hologram Video

Discovered: Mr. Dircks (1500's)

Hi everyone! I just made a Magic hologram Video! It was really fun! I really liked the part when it had come up to the 3D Hologram. When it comes out, it displays a 3D hologram of the picture you chose.

You first have to have a video of a hologram (4 identical pictures in a circle) below:

One picture on each side, turning like a circle.  

All the pictures have to be the same!

You then can put a clear plastic pyramid on top.

This kind of plastic pyramid is special! It is specifically designed for projects like this. 
The pyramid has 4 sides, each side with a triangle = When one picture shines on to the pyramid, all the other sides shine on as well and the picture goes through the clear pyramid. Since all the pictures are all the same, it joins together to make it look like a 3D picture. It looks bright and it looks very cool! You have to look at it from the side, not from the top for it to work.
I really liked doing it, because the process was also fun! I'll show you how to do it at the end.

Here is the video of my amazing hologram:

How to make a hologram:
  • Plastic pyramid
  • Dark room
  • Hologram video (Search on You tube on a smartphone for "Free Hologram Video")
  1. Place the phone in the the dark room.
  2. Put the pyramid on the phone.
  3. Press play.
  4. If you look from the side, you should be able to see a wonderful 3D image of what the video is about!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Superhero Story: Methane Mayhem By Adrian

Superhero Story: Methane Mayhem     

By Adrian

Once upon a time, there was a man called Markus Meldrew who loves to read comic books. Mostly about superheros. He was 11, but lately his substitute math teacher, Mr. Ember has been giving him really hard maths. Something about chemical theorems...

One day when he was out walking, he met a cart that sold burritos. Markus bought one to try. But when he went to sleep that night… he saw something. A vision of a superhero flying around.

He was very sleepy that morning, and accidentally walked into the oven. But he didn’t get burnt! He figured he had superpowers! MM decided to not share his powers with his friends. He started thinking of a name. Superman? 😣 Markushero? 😡 Methane man? 😀 Yes!

MM then heard a noise. He swiveled his head around and saw the basketball court on fire. He saw 2 people stuck in the middle. He rescued them, but as he did, he saw a person walk by. He also noticed some potion bottles under the fire. MM saw plain oil in them. Basic!

One month later, he was working in Hungry peoples. He was working with a girl named Squishina. But the stove started burning… he rescued Squish from the fire and found another potion bottle. This one had gunpowder and a different kind of oil. Mr. Ember’s homework seems to be getting harder: 298/199=?????

MM heard another Bam!! The boy’s bathroom was on fire! There was nothing to be done because no one was in there. 

He found another potion bottle. This one had TNT remainings, more gunpowder, and another different kind of oil! AHH! Exactly! TNT makes explosions and fire!


His friend Steve was staying with him. “3 explosions in 3 days? I think you have Nemesis!” said Steve! Whoa! “Oh here. I have potions from each explosion. And I want to tell you the maths Mr. Ember gave me is crazy hard! Something about chemical theorems… 

Also, the explosions started after my subtitute came!” I said. Steve said nothing.

“Um, did you say your math homework was about chemicals?” 


“And each explosion had a chemical”

“Uh huh”

“And the explosions started after your maths teacher.”


“Do the maths!!!!!!”

Oh my goodness!! Mr. Ember is my Nemesis! What???


MM checked his math classroom. He was tapping on drawers when he pressed a button and found a room full of potions and TNT! He checked the room.

‘To Methane Man: I expect you have found out about me. Meet me at the basketball court tonight’

Said a voice out of nowhere. He met him at the basketball court. He defeated him with his friends by shooting lasers at him, and making a pit full of arrows to let him fall into! Yeah!

Methane man and his friends lived happily ever after.

The end

Story Plot: Methane man Figures out what potions they combined and connected the facts: After Substitute… Potions… Man walking around… they managed to figure out it was Mr. Ember who made all this nonsense.

The End

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Review of: Timmy Failure #2 Now Look What You've Done

Title: Timmy Failure #2 Now Look What You've Done

Author: Stephan Pastis

Timmy Failure is Back!!

And there are just three things you need to know:
      I was born.
                  I founded an empire.
                                           I exhibited greatness.

And now I'm about to crack the biggest case of my generation.
But someone out there doesn't want to play fair.

Corrina Corrina 

(aka. the WEDGIE

 Body blurred for

 your protection)

So I must guard against the one
thing that can bring me down:

Of all the items that can clog your plumbing,
an overweight Artic mammal is probably 
the worst.
Because while a good plumber can clear your pipes of a spoon or a hair ball
or a bar of soap, it is much harder to remove one of these:

That You see, is a Polar Bear.
And today he is stuck in a different kind of pipe.
The Tube 'O Terror.
The Tube o Terror is the world's fastest, curviest waterslide.
But he has gone in it.

And if you are a world class detective who just so happens to be
tied to that polar bear and had no choice but to follow him down the slide,
you are in trouble.
Deep, unbreathable trouble.
Because every rushing water in every slide keeps coming.

And with the polar bear's body acting as a plug, the water has nowhere to go but back up
the tube. Which is where Timmy is now. Trapped underwater.
And not very happy about it.

This book is written by Stepthan Pastis to give entertainment to people when they are not happy or bored. The pictures are very funny.

Click here to get to the Timmy Failure app:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween Jack'o Lantern pizza

 On Halloween evening, I made a Jack'o lantern pizza using scissors, plastic knifes, and a piece of pitta bread. Then I cut two eyes, a nose and mouth. Finally, I baked my Jack'o lantern pizza in the oven!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Review of: Dairy of a Minecraft Zombie; #14 Cloudy with a chance of Apocalypse

 Title: Dairy of a Minecraft Zombie #14 Cloudy with a chance of apocalypse

Author: Zack Zombie (Writer of the Minecraft Zombie series)

Have you judged anyone by their look before? If you have, read this book!

Being a teenage Zombie is no easy, especially when you're going through some major changes.
No one told Zombie that mutating and puberty is a normal part of growing up. Now Zombie is doing every crazy thing he can think of to get back to normal.
But that isn't the only major problem in Zombie's life  -  All of sudden, a giant volcano has appeared and is threating to blow Zombies town out of the Overworld!

Will Zombie be able to stop his mutation? Can he save his town from being destroyed? Will every thing go back to normal?

That is the question he is asking to himself. Everyone is starting to laugh at him, and he can't manage to stop it. So when he grows very big he decided to run away. But that is a problem. The volcano is blowing up, and no one can stop it. 

That's when Zombie decides to step in. He has no idea how to stop it, but then he remember something... " Your body will start to grow, change shape or fall of entirely..." Zombie lifted his shirt to reveal his outtie and...  POP! It came right of and slammed on the volcano. BAM! RRUUMMBBLLEE!!! FIZZZZ! Then instead of blowing, it just fizzled out. Yeah!!!!!! So now Zombie is the most popular in his school.

I like this book because it teaches people 2 things: 1. Don't give up, and 2. Don't judge people the way they look. So that's why I will give this a rating of 10/10

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Review: The Treehouse Joke Book #2

Title: The Treehouse Joke book #2

Author: Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton (Author of the Treehouse series for example; The 13 Story treehouse)

Have you read a book full of jokes? If you have, I bet you will like this as well!

Andy and Terry live in the world's craziest treehouse. They like making books and telling jokes. And now they've made the world's funniest joke book. Again!!
From fairytale fun to classroom capers and movie madness, there are jokes galore for the whole family. An especially perfect book for fans of the Treehouse series. 

Q: What did one ghost say to the other ghost? A: "Do you believe in people?" 
Q: How do scientists freshen their breath? A: With experi-mints! 
Q: What do you call a dinosaur that crashes their car? A: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. 😄
Passenger: Excuse me, is this my train? Conductor: No, It belongs to the railway company. Passenger: Don't be funny. What I'm asking is that can I take this train to Central Station? Conductor: No, it's too heavy.
Q: A person who steals is a kleptomanic. A person who always thinks they are sick is a hypochondriac. But what do you call a person who rides on a double-decker bus? A: A passenger.😂 
Q: What is a robots favorite snack? A: Micro chips! Yum!🤣

I like this book because it gives people laughter and entertainment even when they are very bored so that's why I recommend people to read this book! Also, I give it a rate of 10/10

Monday, October 18, 2021

Term Break Writing in Level 3 lockdown

Term 3 Break in level 3 Delta Outbreak  

By Adrian Kan

Today I’m writing about how my term break was in level 3 lockdown with my family. So I hope you enjoy it!

In the holidays, I did some times-tables and division questions because I was learning multiplication and division at that time. I like multiplication more than division because multiplication is easier and my mum taught me a way to do it faster.

The best thing about the holiday was that we had a giant barbecue! We cooked green courgettes, wagyu steak, tofu, squid tubs and pineapple. It was all delicious.

But the bad thing about the holidays was that when I went for a bike ride with mum, (You might think this is quite funny.) Mum was videoing me, and the wind blew maybe a bit too hard to the left. My left foot was blown off the pedal, and I couldn't support my balance, so I fell to the left. I scratched my knee, so my dad had to come and pick me up earlier than usual.  

My highlight of the holidays was that we went for a car ride around Auckland. While we were riding, we had a carwash at what used to be called ‘The best carwash in the whole wide world!’ It had 3 settings: 10$ Normal, 14$ Illuminate, and 16$ Managers Special. We used Manager's Special, and we got a shock of the water blowing from the bottom! When we got back home, I finally got to relax because I was really tired.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Review of: Diary of a Minecraft Creeper #2; Silent But Deadly

Title: Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper #2; Silent But Deadly

  Author: Minecraft, Zack Zombie (Author of Dairy of a minecraft series), and Pixel Kid (The main character in the Redstone Junior High series), Mojang

After saving his entire class from a mineshaft, Jasper is feeling like he finally gets school. That is until he has to do a new drama project... with the school bullies: Burt the creeper, Blake the blaze, Zane the zombie, and Sam the slime.

They all like to get to trouble and blame it on someone else, until someone tells on them, that is. So when Jasper tells on them today, they got really mad, and tried to trick Jasper. They said that tomorrow he had to do the test of courage by entering a cave and wait five minutes. 

When a accident happens, Burt was out there, ready to explode (since he was a creeper.) But Jasper knew the truth. He had to help him, no matter what. So after that surpising experience, Burt became friends with Jasper, and they both worked on the drama project they were supposed to finish. They use the the Minecraft myth Sir Farts-a-lot to make as a play. So now in the rest of the series, Burt is Jasper's friend, not his bully!

I like this book because it teaches people not to bully other people and because people need to work together to improve and do projects so that's why if I was to give this book a rating, I would give it a cool 10 - 10!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Book Review: #7 Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper; It came from down under!

Book title: #7 Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper; It came from down under

Author: Minecraft (An Unofficial Minecraft book)

Have you ever gave up on really hard things? If you do, then read #7 Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper!

Jasper's Science class is going on a once in a lifetime trip to the Australian biome. He is excited to hang with his friends and life is good!

He tries a lot of new things and it makes him braver! So brave that Jasper accepts a dare to take an Australian critter home.

But he didn't realise that the Australian critter had spikes. So he had to find a way to bring it back. He asked some people, but they were afraid of spikes too.  

But he didn't give up. He went to his human friend Stu and they both sat there and thinked. 

At last, Stu thought of an idea: To give it to his cousin Alice. They had to board the bus and get to the airport without anyone noticing that they had a dangerous animal in their backpack.

I like this book because it teaches people not to give up too quickly even if it is very hard to do it. 

 If I gave this book a rating, I would give it 10 out of 10



Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Book Review: Redstone Junior High; Zombies ate my Homework, Book 1 Feat. Pixel

 Title: Redstone Junior high; Zombies ate my Homework Book 1

Author: Cara J. Stevens, Fred Borcherot, Minecraft

Have you ever thought that looking like the other kids are the best? If you do, then read Redstone junior high! 

This story is about a farm girl called Pixel who looks different from her 30 brothers and sisters. Her siblings all tease her for being different. But when she arrives at Redstone Junior high, a lot of other kids tease her as well. She thought she was not going to make any friends, but a person with no abilities and looked different came up to her and they talked and laughed. They realised that being different wasn't a problem, and they become best friends.

I like this book because it would teach people not to tease others. Everyone should be nice to each other and work together. So, I will rate this book 10 out of 10.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Book Review: Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper; Book 7 - By Adrian

 Title: Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper Book 7; Genius Juice

Author: Minecraft, Mojang

Have you ever thought that being smart is the best thing ever? Then read Dairy of a Minecraft Creeper book 7 Genius Juice!

This book is about a Minecraft Creeper named Jasper drinking a juice that he thought it made him smart, and outsmarting his friends all the time. People always say that it is not fair that he got smart straight away and all the other people had to study lots of things to become smart, including his human friend, Stu. He wins 2 rounds of Junior MobIQ, a Minecraft test that tells people how smart Mobs are. But at the end, Stu read the label of the juice and told him that the juice didn't actually make him smart. He got very embarrassed and didn't want to enter the final round of Junior MobIQ, but his friends forgave him and told him to enter. When he won, he had to make a speech to tell how he felt being smart. He said "Being smart isn't an instant thing, it's all about the hard work you put in, and that the Mobs around me are the best in the Overworld."

I like this book because it teaches kids to not be bossy and say that the other kids are not smart, because working together is the most important thing. For example; Don't say things like "Oh! You got that question wrong! You're not as smart as I am!" Or "Ha Ha! You can't make the cake I asked for!" 

If I would give this book a rating, I would give it 10 out of 10 because it teaches people to not say that they are the smartest.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Book Review: 100 Things to Know About Planet Earth - Adrian

 Title: 100 Things To Know About Planet Earth

Author: Jerome Martin, Darran Stobbart, Alice James, and Tom Mumbray

 Have you ever wanted to know interesting facts about the earth? Then read 100 Things to Know About Earth!

This book is about all kinds of unusual facts about the earth and land. It also has lots of information for adults and children.

There are lots of things I like about this book.  

For example: 

1. The world's biggest waterfall is an underwater waterfall. The Angel falls is the highest waterfall on land. But the Denmark Strait Cataract waterfall is actually the highest waterfall in the world. The Angel falls is 979 meters tall, but the Denmark Strait waterfall is 3.5 Km tall. 

2. The oldest thing on earth is older than the earth itself. NWA11119 is a grapefruit sized meteor formed about 4.56 Billion years ago. Earth was formed about 4.54 years ago.

3. Africa is bigger... Or smaller...  than Greenland depending on your map. In most maps, Greenland looks bigger than Africa. But Africa is actually 14 times bigger than Greenland. Because making a flat map of the earth is like peeling the curved surface of the ball - It just won't lie flat.

4. The Boring Billion, Was a billion years of nothing. Between 1.8 - 0.8 billion year ago, earth experienced a billion years of total stability. One scientist termed this time "the dullest time on earth - or the Boring Billion. 

5. You don't need an umbrella to shelter from Phantom rain. When the air on the ground is especially warm, rain drops can evaporate as they fall, so they never reach the ground. Weather experts call this virga, but it is also known as Phantom Rain.

If I was to rate this book, I would give it 9 out of 10.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


😞😢😴👎❓We did lots of thinking to do this guys! (Just saying!)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Real or Fake?!?!

Where the heck am I??!!! Pompeii?!?


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Questioning - Scorpions!


 We used different stratagies to answer this question. We read the text, and asked questions. It was a really good time to learn how any types of question there are!
Jamboard copy of scorpions-questions

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cybersmart of How big is my digital footprint?


Cybersmart of How big is my Digital footprint?

<iframe src="" frameborder="600" width="400" height="400" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What number is that? By Adrian

The number is 87!!

Mount Vesuvius reading

Monday, June 14, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Volcano Reading

My favourite page: how volcanoes form


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wednesday, June 2, 2021