Friday, October 29, 2021

Review of: Dairy of a Minecraft Zombie; #14 Cloudy with a chance of Apocalypse

 Title: Dairy of a Minecraft Zombie #14 Cloudy with a chance of apocalypse

Author: Zack Zombie (Writer of the Minecraft Zombie series)

Have you judged anyone by their look before? If you have, read this book!

Being a teenage Zombie is no easy, especially when you're going through some major changes.
No one told Zombie that mutating and puberty is a normal part of growing up. Now Zombie is doing every crazy thing he can think of to get back to normal.
But that isn't the only major problem in Zombie's life  -  All of sudden, a giant volcano has appeared and is threating to blow Zombies town out of the Overworld!

Will Zombie be able to stop his mutation? Can he save his town from being destroyed? Will every thing go back to normal?

That is the question he is asking to himself. Everyone is starting to laugh at him, and he can't manage to stop it. So when he grows very big he decided to run away. But that is a problem. The volcano is blowing up, and no one can stop it. 

That's when Zombie decides to step in. He has no idea how to stop it, but then he remember something... " Your body will start to grow, change shape or fall of entirely..." Zombie lifted his shirt to reveal his outtie and...  POP! It came right of and slammed on the volcano. BAM! RRUUMMBBLLEE!!! FIZZZZ! Then instead of blowing, it just fizzled out. Yeah!!!!!! So now Zombie is the most popular in his school.

I like this book because it teaches people 2 things: 1. Don't give up, and 2. Don't judge people the way they look. So that's why I will give this a rating of 10/10

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