Title: The Treehouse Joke book #2
Author: Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton (Author of the Treehouse series for example; The 13 Story treehouse)
Have you read a book full of jokes? If you have, I bet you will like this as well!
Andy and Terry live in the world's craziest treehouse. They like making books and telling jokes. And now they've made the world's funniest joke book. Again!!
From fairytale fun to classroom capers and movie madness, there are jokes galore for the whole family. An especially perfect book for fans of the Treehouse series.
Q: What did one ghost say to the other ghost? A: "Do you believe in people?"
Q: How do scientists freshen their breath? A: With experi-mints!
Q: What do you call a dinosaur that crashes their car? A: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. 😄
Passenger: Excuse me, is this my train? Conductor: No, It belongs to the railway company. Passenger: Don't be funny. What I'm asking is that can I take this train to Central Station? Conductor: No, it's too heavy.
Q: A person who steals is a kleptomanic. A person who always thinks they are sick is a hypochondriac. But what do you call a person who rides on a double-decker bus? A: A passenger.😂
Q: What is a robots favorite snack? A: Micro chips! Yum!🤣
I like this book because it gives people laughter and entertainment even when they are very bored so that's why I recommend people to read this book! Also, I give it a rate of 10/10
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