Sunday, November 28, 2021

Australian Geographic Magic Science Show; Hologram Video

Show: Magic Hologram Video

Discovered: Mr. Dircks (1500's)

Hi everyone! I just made a Magic hologram Video! It was really fun! I really liked the part when it had come up to the 3D Hologram. When it comes out, it displays a 3D hologram of the picture you chose.

You first have to have a video of a hologram (4 identical pictures in a circle) below:

One picture on each side, turning like a circle.  

All the pictures have to be the same!

You then can put a clear plastic pyramid on top.

This kind of plastic pyramid is special! It is specifically designed for projects like this. 
The pyramid has 4 sides, each side with a triangle = When one picture shines on to the pyramid, all the other sides shine on as well and the picture goes through the clear pyramid. Since all the pictures are all the same, it joins together to make it look like a 3D picture. It looks bright and it looks very cool! You have to look at it from the side, not from the top for it to work.
I really liked doing it, because the process was also fun! I'll show you how to do it at the end.

Here is the video of my amazing hologram:

How to make a hologram:
  • Plastic pyramid
  • Dark room
  • Hologram video (Search on You tube on a smartphone for "Free Hologram Video")
  1. Place the phone in the the dark room.
  2. Put the pyramid on the phone.
  3. Press play.
  4. If you look from the side, you should be able to see a wonderful 3D image of what the video is about!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Superhero Story: Methane Mayhem By Adrian

Superhero Story: Methane Mayhem     

By Adrian

Once upon a time, there was a man called Markus Meldrew who loves to read comic books. Mostly about superheros. He was 11, but lately his substitute math teacher, Mr. Ember has been giving him really hard maths. Something about chemical theorems...

One day when he was out walking, he met a cart that sold burritos. Markus bought one to try. But when he went to sleep that night… he saw something. A vision of a superhero flying around.

He was very sleepy that morning, and accidentally walked into the oven. But he didn’t get burnt! He figured he had superpowers! MM decided to not share his powers with his friends. He started thinking of a name. Superman? 😣 Markushero? 😡 Methane man? 😀 Yes!

MM then heard a noise. He swiveled his head around and saw the basketball court on fire. He saw 2 people stuck in the middle. He rescued them, but as he did, he saw a person walk by. He also noticed some potion bottles under the fire. MM saw plain oil in them. Basic!

One month later, he was working in Hungry peoples. He was working with a girl named Squishina. But the stove started burning… he rescued Squish from the fire and found another potion bottle. This one had gunpowder and a different kind of oil. Mr. Ember’s homework seems to be getting harder: 298/199=?????

MM heard another Bam!! The boy’s bathroom was on fire! There was nothing to be done because no one was in there. 

He found another potion bottle. This one had TNT remainings, more gunpowder, and another different kind of oil! AHH! Exactly! TNT makes explosions and fire!


His friend Steve was staying with him. “3 explosions in 3 days? I think you have Nemesis!” said Steve! Whoa! “Oh here. I have potions from each explosion. And I want to tell you the maths Mr. Ember gave me is crazy hard! Something about chemical theorems… 

Also, the explosions started after my subtitute came!” I said. Steve said nothing.

“Um, did you say your math homework was about chemicals?” 


“And each explosion had a chemical”

“Uh huh”

“And the explosions started after your maths teacher.”


“Do the maths!!!!!!”

Oh my goodness!! Mr. Ember is my Nemesis! What???


MM checked his math classroom. He was tapping on drawers when he pressed a button and found a room full of potions and TNT! He checked the room.

‘To Methane Man: I expect you have found out about me. Meet me at the basketball court tonight’

Said a voice out of nowhere. He met him at the basketball court. He defeated him with his friends by shooting lasers at him, and making a pit full of arrows to let him fall into! Yeah!

Methane man and his friends lived happily ever after.

The end

Story Plot: Methane man Figures out what potions they combined and connected the facts: After Substitute… Potions… Man walking around… they managed to figure out it was Mr. Ember who made all this nonsense.

The End

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Review of: Timmy Failure #2 Now Look What You've Done

Title: Timmy Failure #2 Now Look What You've Done

Author: Stephan Pastis

Timmy Failure is Back!!

And there are just three things you need to know:
      I was born.
                  I founded an empire.
                                           I exhibited greatness.

And now I'm about to crack the biggest case of my generation.
But someone out there doesn't want to play fair.

Corrina Corrina 

(aka. the WEDGIE

 Body blurred for

 your protection)

So I must guard against the one
thing that can bring me down:

Of all the items that can clog your plumbing,
an overweight Artic mammal is probably 
the worst.
Because while a good plumber can clear your pipes of a spoon or a hair ball
or a bar of soap, it is much harder to remove one of these:

That You see, is a Polar Bear.
And today he is stuck in a different kind of pipe.
The Tube 'O Terror.
The Tube o Terror is the world's fastest, curviest waterslide.
But he has gone in it.

And if you are a world class detective who just so happens to be
tied to that polar bear and had no choice but to follow him down the slide,
you are in trouble.
Deep, unbreathable trouble.
Because every rushing water in every slide keeps coming.

And with the polar bear's body acting as a plug, the water has nowhere to go but back up
the tube. Which is where Timmy is now. Trapped underwater.
And not very happy about it.

This book is written by Stepthan Pastis to give entertainment to people when they are not happy or bored. The pictures are very funny.

Click here to get to the Timmy Failure app:

Thursday, November 4, 2021